59 Anson Road, London, NW2 3UY
Dr Najim & Partners

North West London
Clinical Commissioning Group

Your Pregnancy
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
Whether you are jumping for joy, still in a state of shock, or feeling a mixture of both - we are here to support you every step of the way to help you have a healthy pregnancy.
We have outlined some key bits of information that will help you on your journey:
1 - Please see our North West London pregnancy guide - it's a brilliant, up to date resource, that we strongly recommend reading. You can also download the North West London Mum & Baby App - but the attached guide is a better resource.
2 - You need to self-refer to a maternity unit for your antenatal care. Simply click on one of the self-referral links in the table below. You may need to provide your NHS number - if you don't know your NHS number then simply email or call the surgery. Our recommendations include the 3 closest hospitals to us, all three are excellent local maternity units:
St Mary's Hospital
Queen Charlotte's Hospital
University College London Hospital
There are many other maternity units, as shown in the table below, but these three are held in particularly high esteem. The table includes Care Quality Commission's ratings of the Maternity service provided, as of January 2020.
If using your mobile to view this page, please scroll right on the table below to see the full information.
Hospital | Address | CQC Rating | Self-Referral Link |
St Mary's Hospital | Praed Street, London, W2 1NY | Outstanding | St Mary's Link |
Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea Hospital | Du Cane Road, London, W12 0HS | Outstanding | Queen Charlotte's Link |
University College London Hospital | 235 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BU | Good | UCLH Link |
Royal Free Hospital | Pond Street, London, NW3 2QG | Good | RFH Link |
The Whittington Hospital | Magdala Avenue, London, N19 5NF | Good | Whittington Link |
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital | 369 Fulham Road, London, SW10 9NH | Good | CWH Link |
Northwick Park Hospital | Watford Road, London, HA1 3UJ | Inadequate | NWP Link |
3 - Once you've self-referred to a maternity unit, they'll arrange your 12-week scan and 'booking blood tests'. They will also record everything in a pregnancy folder that stays with you. Please make sure you bring this folder with you anytime you come to see us.
4 - We recommend that you take folic acid (until 12 weeks pregnant) and vitamin D supplements (throughout pregnancy). If you aren't taking folic acid yet then please start this now. You can get these over the counter from any chemist. There is also some important dietary advice in the pregnancy guide.
5 - We recommend that you book to see one of our nurses for the Whooping Cough vaccine from 20-32 weeks. We also advise that we give you the Flu vaccine from September to February (when the new Flu vaccine is released).
We hope that we haven't overloaded you with information. You don't strictly need to see us at this stage, but if anything is unclear, or if you just want some further advice, then please don't hesitate to book either a telephone or face to face appointment with a doctor.